電子血圧計 コロトコフ

Wada and Associate Co., Ltd. is a medical device development company founded in 2007. Our blood pressure technology is a third-generation meter that begins a new era in patient monitoring. On 07/02/2009 we began the next phase of our development to begin expanded manufacturing.


Vital Signature® console and PC

TheVital-Signature® mercury sphygmomanometer is extremely accurate – tested against traditional Korotkoff auscultator techniques, “the gold standard” for determining both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. Advanced testing methods were employed to further refine the results. Concurrent measurements consistently indicate an extremely accurate match with the mercury-based pressure readings. Since the Vital Signature system operates digitally in real-time, the data and sounds are constantly available through a connected console or at remote locations through a computer network and can be stored for retrieval.


About the history and the third generation sphygmomanometer
Test Results
New Product Body
Reciprocal Links
Diurnal Variation Video

Korotkoff' method ( auscultation ):
An arm cuff is inflated to stop the flow of blood by arterial pressure. Blood begins to flow again with the decompression of the cuff.  The sound of blood through the vessels (Korotkoff sounds) is used to measure the blood pressure. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends this technique.
    Licenses for the production of certified high-volume manufacturing are currently pending to expire in 2009. In the future Vital Signature will concentrate on refining the attributes of the product such as smaller size, low cost production and further product development tailored to achieve higher volumes. We will also reduce costs and increase volumes by working with OEM suppliers.  
      Click here for technical details.
Click here to view video of the product in use.
We occasionally conduct private demonstrations.
   Please contact us using the form below if you are interested.


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